Your Happiness Coach

Meet Robin

I have a lifelong passion helping others to thrive like never before!

I spent an accomplished 15 years in Information Technology as a computer analyst. I then left to do the work in the world that I was meant to do.

With a love for holistic health, now for over 25 years, I have been studying and supporting clients in the holistic health and wellness field.

I am a Certified Transformational Wellbeing Coach, Happiness Trainer, Meditation and Ayurveda Instructor, and have been mentored by three transformational leaders: Deepak Chopra, Debra Poneman (Yes to Success) and Marci Shimoff (Author of NY Times bestsellers Happy for No Reason, and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul series)

After years of personal development, spiritual growth, and breaking free from my own emotional straitjacket, experiencing life changing transformation, I’ve helped many clients break free from self-defeating habits, limiting beliefs, and unhealthy thought patterns, enabling them to find there missing piece, enjoy deeper fulfillment and thrive like never before.

The truth is, I’m deeply passionate about what I do. I believe in investing in myself, and I want to help reach more people who need my help. And I’m committed to sharing my expertise with as many people as possible, so that they too can experience the joy and fulfillment that come with a strong sense of self and belonging.

I live in beautiful Bucks County, Pennsylvania with my Husband Mitch. Together we have a young adult son Adam, who we are proud of and has embarked on his own journey. We enjoy the company of our feisty and affectionate Black Labrador Chloe.

I also incorporate and enjoy nature, pilates, yoga, weightlifting, walking our dog and traveling into my life.

Welcome to My Journey of Inner Transformation

I’m happy to open up about my transformative journey with you. 

I’m happy to open up about my transformative journey with you. Over 17 years ago, I faced a life-altering challenge: brain surgery to remove a cavernoma I’d unknowingly lived with since birth. This experience left me partially paralyzed. The physical recovery from this paled compared to my past marked with neglect that left me feeling unworthy, inadequate and shadowed me throughout my childhood, adolescence, and well into my adulthood. 

But I didn’t let these struggles define me.

With determination, and After years of therapy, I gained clarity about my past. Although I took significant leaps forward, I still struggled with my self-esteem and relationships. It became evident that I’d reached my limit with therapy. 

It was through the power of meditation and coaching that I truly rediscovered my essence.

These practices became my guiding light, enabling me to not just rebuild, but to amplify my self-esteem, confidence, and sense of empowerment. Today I have gratitude for the life I’ve meticulously fashioned – a life brimming with inner peace, boundless freedom and enduring success.

My passion now lies in guiding you to inner peace and power. Join me on this transformative journey to self-discovery and lasting happiness. 

My Credentials

  • CEO and Founder Vibrant Wellbeing, LLC
  • Certified Transformational Coach —Chopra Global 
  • Certifed Happy For no Reason Trainer – Marci Shimoff
  • Certified Primordial Sound Meditation Teacher—Chopra Global
  • Certified Chopra Health Instructor—Chopra Global 

What Clients Say

"Realize deeper truths."

Robin is a caring and generous individual who is genuinely interested in helping others realize their deeper truths and dreams. She also rejoices in the small and larger breakthroughs that come about while working together. Robin helped propel me forward in my new desired direction.

Rachel G.


"A healthy, lasting evolution."

I was going through a difficult time: I felt lost, and was looking for help. I contemplated going to see a therapist, but somehow knew that ‘talk therapy’…wasn’t truly what I needed. I wanted something that would support a healthy, lasting evolution and tangible changes. I am so grateful to Robin, for guiding and offering fruitful methods, valuable tools and genuine encouragement.



Bucks County, PA + Worldwide, Virtually


Copyright © 2024 Robin Sherman | Vibrant Wellbeing, LLC

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